Student Travel Awards
Open to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in degree programs within the College of Arts & Sciences.
Work closely with a faculty member to hone your research interests and make a contribution to the field. Then network with researchers at conferences to present your findings. Your hard work will help you stand out when searching for a career or applying to graduate or professional school.
Undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students enrolled in any major or degree program in the College of Arts and Sciences are invited to apply for travel funding. The program supports students:
- Presenting their research activities or independent creative work at a conference. Students may apply before receiving acceptance from conference organizers and will be contacted later to confirm acceptance. Travel awards in this category will not be provided for conference attendance without presentation of research or creative work.
- Traveling to conduct their research.
- Learning research and creative techniques. Travel awards in this category will be prioritized to fund students who have been accepted to workshops or other events that required a competitive application process.
Travel awards may cover airfare, personal vehicle mileage, state vehicle rental, hotel, ground transportation and conference registration fees. An estimated travel budget is part of the application and should reflect your total out of pocket costs.
If your trip would cost less to fly than drive to on the basis of the state mileage rate, you must justify the need to drive. For example, you will need a car on the site of a research trip to conduct the research. Otherwise, you will not be reimbursed more than the cost of economy airfare to your destination. This is based on State of Kansas travel rules for faculty, staff, and students.
Due to limited funding and our desire to fund as many students as possible, a maximum of $400 is available for undergraduate and graduate student travel awards, which will be made as scholarship awards through the office of student financial assistance. A maximum of $400 will be awarded per student for travel per academic (fall, spring, summer) year. Students should apply at least one month in advance of the trip to be eligible for funding.
For questions, please email
Application for Student Research Travel (or right-click-copy link and paste into browser)
Tips for Estimating Your Travel Expenses