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College of Arts and Sciences

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College of Arts and Sciences

Calvin 107
Center for Student Success and Engagement

Calvin 110
Office of the Dean

Letters Alumni Magazine

Winter 2016

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Innovation and Inspiration

This issue is all about the Innovation and Inspiration capital campaign. To learn more about the campaign, visit inspire.k-state.edu.

Dean of the College of Arts and SciencesLetter from the Dean

This issue of A&S Letters is dedicated to the dreams and aspirations of generations of A&S alumni whose passions achieved resonance with the many talents of our faculty and students to create something more excellent than before, inspiring the future generations of alumni. These past four years of my leadership in the college have been inspired by your dedication to pr

geosciencesAt the center of it all

College of Arts & Sciences proposes new geoscience-centric building for Manhattan campus.


Acting on GenerosityActing on Generosity

Darrington Clark couldn't be any more the opposite of the character he played in Kansas State University's 2015 fall theatre production of "A Christmas Carol." Clark, who landed the role of Ebenezer Scrooge, is a hard-working and exuberant senior in K-State's College of Arts & Sciences with a double major in theatre, and journalism and mass communications.


Springboard for SuccessSpringboard for success

Helping early-career faculty members find a path to professional success is an important goal at Kansas State University's College of Arts & Sciences and the reason the Faculty Development Program was created.


A Transformative GiftA transformative gift

Alumni support can help build new campus buildings, attract outstanding faculty or guide a student to graduation. One Kansas State University alumni family chose to use its support in the form of a gift to save lives.


Deans Excellence FundDean's excellence fund helps college fill key needs

Dream big and make a difference. That's what donations to the Dean's Excellence Fund allow the College of Arts & Sciences to do, said Dean Peter Dorhout. Growing the fund is one of the key priorities for the college through Innovation & Inspiration: The Campaign for Kansas State University.


Connecting people to a passionConnecting people to a passion

For five consecutive years, the College of Arts & Sciences has enjoyed record fundraising, set by alumni and friends who care deeply about the future success of the college. Success like that isn't possible without a lot of hard work from dedicated people. The Kansas State University Foundation's College of Arts & Sciences development team is just that, serving as the main point of contact for alumni to connect to the area they want to support.


Innovation and Inspiration KickoffInnovation and Inspiration kickoff

Last October, the university community, along with alumni, donors and friends, publicly launched Innovation and Inspiration: The Campaign for Kansas State University. It is the most ambitious campaign in the university's history, with a goal of raising $1 billion to drive K-State forward in its strategic vision to become a Top 50 public research university by 2025.



DeanMeet the interim dean

Kansas State University has named an interim dean for its largest college. In February 2016, Amit Chakrabarti, professor and head of the department of physics and the William and Joan Porter chair in physics, was selected to serve as interim dean of the the College of Arts & Sciences.


alumni awardsYoung Alumni Award

David Waters says that two aspects of his College of Arts & Sciences education have been critical to his career: empathy and intellectual curiosity.



Alumni Merit AwardAlumni Merit Award

Patricia Solís Senior Research Associate in the Office of the Vice President for Research, and research associate professor of geography, Texas Tech University



Past issues

Summer 2015
Winter 2015
Summer 2014

Winter 2014

Summer 2013
Winter 2013
Summer 2012
Winter 2012
Summer 2011
Summer 2010
Winter 2009
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
Winter 2008
Summer 2007
Fall 2006
Spring 2006 
Fall 2005