Primary Texts Certificate

Earn a Primary Texts Certificate while fulfilling your requirements, or earn a stand-alone certificate. Take courses emphasizing original works instead of textbooks. Instead of reading only a textbook in Physics, read selections from Galileo and Einstein. Instead of an American Government textbook, read James Madison and Thomas Jefferson. Obtain the intellectual flexibility to be a lifelong learner, an attribute highly valued in the workforce in today's rapidly changing economy. Primary Texts students also go on to graduate school, law school, divinity school and other programs where analytical and communications skills are highly valued.
"In contrast to a vocational education, which trains students for specific professions and crafts, a liberal arts education educates individuals to be "free" to do whatever they find to be interesting. It challenges students to behave both as generalists and specialists, to be creators and creative problem solvers rather than dreamers, to reason conceptually but to implement pragmatically. Perhaps above all else, it encourages students to be independent thinkers, to become entrepreneurial leaders. There is no finer education in the management sciences." --Science Magazine