**Course titles and numbering change over time. If you took a course that now has a different number or name than what is listed here, but was a primary texts course, your credit will still apply. Please notify the director if you think you have taken a qualifying course not listed here.
This is a list of courses that can be counted toward the Certificate in the Study of Arts and Sciences through Primary Texts. Honors courses not listed may be available for certificate credit for students in the honors program. Please consult with the director to determine which courses are offered in the upcoming semester.
ART 695: Topics in Art History (instructor permission-see Dr. Johnson
Arts & Sciences
DAS 300: The Great Conversation: Primary Texts Certificate Core Course
Communication Studies
COMM 420: Gender Communication
COMM 425: Theory of Organizational Communication
COMM 535: Communication in Leadership (when taught by Lind or Eddington)
COMM 542: Relational Communication
COMM 552: Coaching and Mentoring
COMM 730: Classical Rhetorical Theory
ECON 710: History of Economic Thought (1 section per year)
EDSEC 428: Social Studies Colloquium II (Dr. Brad Burenheide's sections only)
All English Literature courses are approved, with the following exclusions:
English 100-229; 300, 400, 415, 417, 430, 435, 461, 463, 465, 469, 476, 485, 490, 510, 516, 562/662, 604, 661, 663, 665, 685, 700, 759, 761, 762, 763, and 771
American Ethnic Studies
AMETH 185: Race, Film, and American Stories
AMETH 370: Politics of Women of Color
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
GWSS 275: Gender, Race, and Sex in Science Fiction
GWSS 325: Queer Studies: Concepts, History, and Politics
GWSS 335: Transgender Studies
GWSS 365: Reproductive Rights and Wrongs
GWSS 375: Disability Justice and Gender
GWSS 380: Global Struggles for Feminist, Queer, and Trans Justice
GWSS 405: Resistance and Movements for Social Change
GWSS 410: Feminist Thought
GWSS 450: Stories of a Young Girl
GWSS 460: Coming Out and Sexual Identity
GWSS 480: Gender, Environment, and Justice
GWSS 500: Global Literature & Culture
GWSS 500: Top/Global/World Lit Women
GWSS 550: Gender & Pop Culture
GWSS 560: Intersections of Violence and Resistance
GWSS 570: Gender and Food Justice
GWSS 700: Top/Transnational Feminism (S. Roshanravan)
GWSS 700: When: Sexuality Studies
GEOG 300: Geography of Tourism
GEOG 360: Sustainability Concepts & Issues
GEOG 370: Environmental Justice
GEOG 490: Problems in Geography (instructor permission-see Dr. Johnson for more information)
GEOG 500: Geography of the United States
GEOG 510: Geography of the American West
GEOG 600: Mountain Geography
GEOG 602: Computer Mapping and Geographic Visualization
GEOG 722: Seminar on Geographies of International Conservation
GEOG 725: Geography of Water Resources
HIST 101: Rise of Europe
HIST 102: The Modern Era
HIST 111: World History To 1450
HIST 112: World History From 1450
HIST 155: U.S. Military History Since 1775
HIST 300: Hollywood & The Military
HIST 311: Race and US Foreign Policy**
**US Multicultural Diversity Overlay
HIST 330: History East Asia Civil
HIST 504: Intellectual History of Early China
HIST 522: Religion America History
HIST 525: Colonial History
HIST 526: The American Revolution
HIST 527: The Early National Period
HIST 529: Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 534: Social History of Medicine
HIST 558: History of Kansas
HIST 565: History and Culture of Greece
HIST 566: History and Culture of Ancient Rome
HIST 567: Europe in the Middle Ages
HIST 572: 19th Century Europe
HIST 578: Central Eur/1500-1914
HIST 579: The British Isles to 1603
HIST 581: Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome
HIST 585: Medieval Christianity
HIST 586: AdvSem/History
HIST 593: The Vietnam War
HIST 597: Topics in European History
Honors Program (Honors Students Only)
DAS 300: The Great Conversation: Primary Texts Certificate Core Course
HORT 650: Agrarian Traditions--Literature Shaping Modern Food Movements
MANGT 421: Introduction to Operations Management (Daniel Minick's section only)
MANGT 541: Management of Quality (Daniel Minick's section only)
MATH 570: History of Mathematics (II, 1 section per year)
Modern Languages
MLANG 399: Honors Seminar in Modern Languages
MLANG 507 : European Literature in Translation (recently revised by Dr. Peter Arnds)
CHINE 201: Chinese 3
CHINE 301: Chinese 4
CHINE 501: Chinese 5
CHINE 502: Chinese 6
CHINE 599: Special Studies in Chinese
CLSCS 501: Classical Literature in Translation
LATIN 101: Latin I - Introduction to Latin
LATIN 102: Latin II - Introduction to Latin
LATIN 301: Intermediate Latin Prose
LATIN 302: Latin 4 - Intermediate Latin Poetry
LATIN 501: Classical Literature in Translation
FREN 501: Readings in French *formerly FREN 516
FREN 502: French Literature in Translation
FREN 520: Introduction to French Literature I (I, 1 section year)
FREN 521: Introduction to French Literature II (II, 1 section per year)
FREN 530: Topics in French/Francophone Literature and Culture
FREN 709: Medieval French Literature (varies, 1 section every other year)
FREN 710: Sixteenth Century French Literature (varies, 1 section every other year)
FREN 711: Seventeenth Century French Literature (1 section every other year)
FREN 713: Eighteen Century French Literature (II, 1 section every other year)
FREN 714: Romantic French Literature
FREN 715 Realist French Literature
FREN 716: Contemporary French Literature
FREN 720: Seminar in French Literature and Culture
FREN 721: Francophone Literature and Culture
GRMN 503: German Literature in Translation
GRMN 521: Introductory Topics in German Literature and Culture of the 18th and 19th Century
GRMN 522: Topics in German Literature and Culture of the 20th and 21st Century
GRMN 700: Topics in Medieval German Literature and Culture
GRMN 701: Topics in 18th Century German Literature and Culture
GRMN 702: Topics in 19th Century German Literature and Culture
GRMN 703: Topics in early 20th Century German Literature and Culture
GRMN 704: Topics in German Literature and Culture since 1945
GRMN 705: Topics in 20th and 21st Century German Literature and Culture
GRMN 729: Open Topics Seminar in German Literature and culture
RUSSN 504: Russian Literature in Translation
RUSSN 508: Russian Literature in Translation: The Soviet Period
RUSSN 552: Survey of Russian Literature
SPAN 550: Introduction to the Literature in Spanish
SPAN 560: Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World: US Latinx
SPAN 565: Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World - Spain
SPAN 566: Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World - Spanish America
SPAN 567: Cultures of the Spanish-speaking World: Transatlantic
SPAN 568: Literature of Spanish America
SPAN 730: Medieval Literature
SPAN 731: Early Modern Literature of Spain
SPAN 732: Cervantes
SPAN 734: 18th and 19th Century Spain
SPAN 735: 20th and 21st Century Spain
SPAN 736: Spanish Poetry
SPAN 750: Spanish American Narrative
SPAN 751: Spanish American Narrative: Early Twentieth Century
SPAN 752: Contemporary Spanish American Narrative
SPAN 755: Spanish American Performance Studies
SPAN 757: Spanish-American Poetry
SPAN 760: US Latinx Literature and Cultures in Spanish
Music, Theater, and Dance
THTRE 370: Dramatic Structure - Fine Arts
MUSIC 405: Music Elementary Teachers
MUSIC 458: Music/Schools K-6
THTRE 572: History of Theatre I (II, 1 section per year) - Fine Arts
THTRE 573: History of Theatre II (I, 1 section per year) - Fine Arts
All Philosophy courses are approved, with the following exclusions:
Philosophy 305, 320, 365, 385, 390, and 510, no matter the instructor.
PHILO 399: Honors Seminar in Philosophy: KSU in Italy (Dr. Tanona) (Study Abroad)
PHILO 385: Engineering Ethics
PHYS 620: Teaching University Physics (only offered once every four semesters)
Political Science
POLSC 155: Introduction to Political Thought (I, II, 2 sections per year) *formerly POLSC 301
POLSC 250: Environmental Political Thought
POLSC 343: American Foreign Policy (Michael Flynn's section only) *formerly POLSC 543
POLSC 360: Race, Ethnicity, and Politics
POLSC 401: Top/Politics of Sports (Dr. Birkhead)
POLSC 524: Political Islam
POLSC 601: Topics in Political Science - Top/Islam and Politics (Sabri Ciftci's section only)
POLSC 601: Topics in Political Science - Top/Comp Political Institution (Must seek approval for your topic from Dr. Johnson)
POLSC 605: American Presidency
POLSC 607: Administrative Law
POLSC 608: Political Participation in the United States
POLSC 614: Constitutional Law I
POLSC 615: Constitutional Law II
POLSC 630: Pol Russia/Sov Union
POLSC 642: International Conflict
POLSC 661: Political Thought: Classical to Sixteenth Century (I, 1 section every other year)
POLSC 663: Political Thought: Since the Sixteenth Century (II, 1 section every other year)
POLSC 667: American Political Thought (varies, 1 section every other year)
POLSC 670: Law, Politics, and Literature - Social Sciences
POLSC 671: Modern Political Thought (varies, 1 section every other year)
POLSC 672: Ideologies (varies, 1 section every other year)
POLSC 675: Religion and Politics
Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
ANTH 315: Introduction to Medical Anthropology
ANTH 516: Ethnomusicology (Falcone's section only)
ANTH 560: Archaeological Fact or Fiction *formerly ANTH 503
ANTH 602: Anthropological Theory - Social Sciences
ANTH 612: Ethnohistory
ANTH 618: Religion in Culture **Same as SOCIO 618
SOCIO 214: Intro to Sociology (Honors section - Dr. Dana Brimon only)
SOCIO 431: Comparative Social Theories
SOCIO 618: Religion in Culture - **Same as ANTH 618
SOCIO 710: Systematic Analysis of Social Theory (1 section per year)
Addiction Counseling
ADC 325: Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Counseling
ADC 630: Co-Occurring Disorders and Addictions Treatment
SOCWK 510: Social Welfare as a Social Institution
SOCIO 510: Social Welfare as a Social Institution