Medical Laboratory Science Resources
More Information about Medical Laboratory Sciences:
- How can I become a clinical laboratory professional?
- North Kansas City Hospital
- Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City
- Health Science Career Clusters
The K-State Career Center can help you with:
- Career exploration
- Career assessment for class assignment or follow-up
- Resume, CV and cover letter critique
- Other application documents
- Job or internship search
- Mock interview
- and so much more!
In addition to academic skills, MLS students will also be expected to develop industry standard skills including:
- Sound Intellect
- Motor Skills
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Dexterity
- Effective Communication Skills
- Ability to Work Independently
- Time Management
Use your collegiate career to develop both in and out of the classroom to build the skill necessary to become an MLS. K-State has many opportunities for development in your academic programs. You can grow through participation in research and student organizations, being a teaching assistant or tutor, and more.
Then, take advantage of the opportunities in the greater Manhattan community. A job and community service are great ways to affirm your path and show graduate schools and employers your interest and skills.