Arts and Sciences Next-Gen Strategic Plan


Be the academic foundation of K-State and serve as a hub for interdisciplinary scholarship and inquiry across the university;​ prepare students and learners at all levels for responsible citizenry, critical inquiry, and career success in a diverse and ever-changing world;​ and contribute to the betterment of society and the advancement of knowledge through 1) innovative fundamental research and creative activity, 2) the application of disciplinary expertise to solve complex problems, and 3) active engagement with local, global, and professional communities.​



Lead as a thriving, mission-driven arts and sciences college, proactively adapting to meet evolving challenges and opportunities in Kansas, our nation, and the world.​


Strategic Plan

Kansas State University's strategic plan, known as Next-Gen K-State, outlines how our university will transform to serve new kinds of learners, solve grand global challenges, and contribute to the economic prosperity of the state. To develop an aligned College of Arts and Sciences Next-Gen K-State Strategic Plan, members of our faculty and staff engaged in more than a year's worth of discussions about our values and hopes for the college. Below are our main goals; more details, including strategies and timelines, are in the full plan linked below.

Our goals


Download full strategic plan