Yibo Liu: The Road from Arts and Sciences to Physician

Yibo Liu is on his way to realizing his dream of being a physician, and he got his start in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Division of Biology. As you might know, when students are interested in pre-health, they can have their pick of undergraduate degrees. So why did Yibo choose Biology?

“When I was young, I loved growing many different plants in my house,” said Liu. “I enjoy their beauty and vitality, especially how they grow up day by day and start flowering. The biggest one I planted was a pomegranate tree, which is still alive today. Every year when I visit home, I can pick a pomegranate fruit from the tree, which is very sweet and juicy. This passion for nature is why I chose biology as my undergraduate major.”

Alumni profile - Yibo LiuYibo pursued his passion in Biology, and he also had the opportunity to work in a research lab with Dr. Ruth Welti studying plant lipids. During his time in Dr. Welti's lab, he mastered a variety of research techniques including planting and caring for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, harvesting plant materials, and extracting lipids and DNA.

“From working in this lab, not only did I increase my scientific knowledge, but I also learned the importance of cooperation and collaboration when it comes to research,” said Liu.

In the College of Arts and Sciences, 100% of departments offer undergraduate research opportunities. That means no matter your major, if you choose the College of Arts and Sciences, you can work alongside world-class faculty members on groundbreaking research projects.

Yibo didn’t just go to class and research in the lab, he also dedicated his time to helping new K-Staters through the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP), especially the mentorship program. The KS-LSAMP T.E.A.M (Transfer Engagement Achievement Mentorship) program is designed to help community college students make a successful transition from their two-year college to K-State.

“When I first transferred to K-State from Henan University in China, I did not know anyone at K-State, and I did not know how to get involved in the school life. But people at K-State helped me.” said Liu. “When I discovered the LSAMP program, I knew it was time to pass this help on to others who were transfer students like me. That’s why I became a KS-LAMP TEAM mentor.”

Yibo is now a graduate student at K-State studying Public Health, which is getting him one step closer to realizing his dream of being a physician.

“K-State gave me a great life orientation. I met my friends and my wife here, and I discovered my future here,” said Liu. “I believe that my courses and research training from the Division of Biology and the College of Arts and Sciences are invaluable.”