College Mission and Strategic Initiatives

To support our mission we undertake certain initiatives to enhance the experience of our students, faculty and staff and the university as a whole.


The College of Arts and Sciences is the academic foundation of Kansas State University. Its mission is to:

  • take the lead in providing a high quality liberal arts foundation for all
    K-State students;
  • promote high-quality graduate education and scholarly research activities;
  • promote high-quality undergraduate programs for its own majors;
  • provide service to the disciplines, state, and nation.

Strategic Plan

In February 2010, Kansas State University launched an ambitious planning initiative with the visionary goal to be a top 50 public research university by 2025. The universitywide planning process was inclusive and exciting as K-Staters worked together to craft our future. The dialogue while planning K-State 2025 was as important as the final plan itself. In alignment with K-State 2025, the College of Arts and Sciences put forth its own ArtSci Strategic Plan.

Kansas State University is revitalizing its strategic plan, now known as Next-Gen K-State. To prepare for this collaborative process, and for the subsequent development of our own strategic plan, ArtSci faculty and staff have engaged in a year of discussions about our values and hopes for the college. As a result, a draft set of priorities has established to use as a foundation for planning in the coming year. Please click below to review and contribute.

ArtSci Values and Priorities