Arts and Sciences Diversity Lecture Series Grant
Applications due Nov. 15 and Apr. 15
The College of Arts and Sciences will provide funding of $500 to $1,000 to host prominent speakers, presenters, or performers. Funding will supplement what the organizing units commit towards the speaker's visit. The speaker's activities must include a lecture or performance open to the full university community, although this lecture/performance may be aimed either at a general audience or primarily at faculty and students in the speaker's discipline. In all cases, and unless special circumstances emerge, it is expected that speakers have time assigned to meet with undergraduate and/or graduate students. Speakers' activities are expected to be listed in the unit's speaker/performance series and as part of the Arts and Sciences Diversity Lecture Series. Applications from all College of Arts and Sciences departments will be considered. When appropriate, partnerships with units outside of the college are encouraged.
Some portion of a speaker's proposed activities must address issues of diversity or multiculturalism in general or in the context of a given discipline or group of disciplines, and speakers will be given additional consideration if they belong to a group that is underrepresented in that discipline.
Upcoming deadlines:
November 15: Applicants may request funding for speakers expected to come in either the upcoming spring or fall.
April 15: As funds allow, applicants may request funding for speakers to present in either the upcoming fall or spring.
The completed application (not to exceed 2 pages) should be sent electronically in a single file to, specifying the following:
1) Host name(s), affiliated department(s), and contact information
2) Name, affiliation and area of invited speaker
3) Target date for visit
4) Short description of speaker's accomplishments, include CV and/or URL
5) Short description of the diversity, equity, inclusion/multicultural dimension of the speaker
6) Short description of activities, including importance of visit and benefit to and/or collaborations with other units
7) Estimated budget, including other funding sources
Selection criteria include:
i) Relevance of speaker as a role-model in his or her discipline
ii) Prominence of speaker
iii) Relevance of lecture (and other planned activities)
iv) Distribution of speakers across disciplinary areas
v) Other sources of support
For more information please contact
Diversity Lecture Series Awards
Fall 2024
- Modern Languages hosted Dr. Elvira Sánchez-Blake, Colombian writer and journalist. She presented "Human Rights in Colombia: A Journey through Suma Paz." (Sept. 25, 2024)
Spring 2024
- Physics hosted Rebecca Lindell, founder of Tiliadal STEM Education, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 21. She presented, "My 30+ years as a Disabled Physicist: From Shame to Acceptance to Agency." (April 22, 2024)
Fall 2023
- Canceled - Chemistry was to host Osvaldo Gutierrez, professor in the department of chemistry at Texas A&M University, who was going to present "Dreamer's Pathway to Become a Professor: Tips and Tricks." (Oct. 5, 2023)
Fall 2022
- Edmund February, professor at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, is a botanist, an advocate for human rights and equality, and one of South Africa's most iconic mountain climbers.
Fall 2016
- Communication Studies, Soumia Bardhan, Assistant Professor
Guest: Christopher Brown, Associate Professor of Communication Studies, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Talk Title, "Driven By Fear and Emancipated by Curiosity: The Politics of Bodily Knowledge in Personal Narratives on Race." - Geography, Dr. Bimal Paul and Gamma Theta Upsilon
Guest: Francis Y. Owusu, Professor and Chair of the Department of Community and Regional Planning at Iowa State University - Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, History, Office of Diversity, Dr. Angela Hubler
Guest: Jackie Joyner Kersee, Talk Title: "Dare to Dream" - Sociology, Chardie Baird, Associate Professor, Alisa Garni, Associate Professor, and Michael Miller, PhD candidate
Guest: Adia Harvey Wingfield, Full Professor of Sociology at Washington University, St. Louis
Spring 2016
- Modern Languages, Derek Hillard, Modern Languages Department Head
Guest: Tiffany N. Florvil, assistant professor of 20th-Century European Women’s and Gender History, University of New Mexico
Fall 2015
- English, Katy Karlin and Lisa Tatonetti
Guest: Farah Jasmine Griffin Author and William B. Ransford Professor of English and Comparative literature And African American studies, Columbia University
Spring 2015
- Art, Sarah McNutt grant representative and president of the Potters Guild at K-State
Guest: Armando Minjarez, Activist/Artist, K-State Alumni - English, Karin Westman, English Department Head
Guest: Geffrey Davis, Poet and Assistant Professor of English, University of Arkansas
Fall 2008
- Mathematics, M. Korten & C. Moore
Guest: Rodrigo Bañuelos, Purdue University
Spring 2008
- Philosophy, M. Sabates
Guest: Linda Martin-Alcoff, Hunter College
Fall 2007
- Modern Languages, D. Benson
Guest: Jeffrey R. William, University of Missouri - English, G. Eiselein and L. Al-Atheri
Guest: Dunya Mikhail, Dearborn Public Schools - English, L. Tatonetti
Guest: Chrystos, Washington - Biology, B. Sandercock
Guest: Scott V. Edwards, Harvard University
Spring 2007
- Hale Library, R. Peairs
Guest: Banda AffroReggae, Brazil
Fall 2006
- English, L. Rodgers
Guest: Eric J. Sundquist, UCLA - Journalism, K. Baltrip
Guest: Earnest L. Perry, Missouri School of Journalism
Spring 2006
- Modern Languages, R. Corum
Guest: Jarrod Hayes, University of Michigan - Psychology, J. Frieman
Guest: J. Frank Yates, University of Michigan