Arts and Sciences Student Ambassadors
The purpose of the College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassador program is to promote pride in and develop awareness of our college among prospective students, parents, alumni, and the general public.
ArtSci Ambassadors are a group of dedicated undergraduate students who volunteer their time and talents at special events including: Discover K-State Days, Admitted Wildcat Days, the Arts and Sciences Celebration, faculty events, commencement, K-State Open House and much more!
How to apply:
The application process begins early in the spring semester each year. The application to apply will be available on the Ambassadors OrgSync page.
Current Officers
President: Erin Frenk
Vice President: Blake Allen
Secretary: Jocelyn Rigler
Treasurer: Emily Morfeld
Recruitment Chairs: Kendal Palmgren and Hilary Tallman
Diversity Chairs: Joseph Pondillo and Lillianna Lamagna
Social Communications Chairs: Meryn Wills and Maddie Coulter
Alumni Liaisons: Sydney Wilson and Emily Pray