Economics Spotlight - June 2016
The Kansas State University Economics Department was well represented at the recent 91st Western Economic Association International Annual Conference in Portland Oregon on June 29 – July 3, 2016. Twelve Economics faculty and graduate student alumni attended the conference. Professor Steve Cassou presented his paper, "Optimal Monetary Policy Revisited: Does Considering US Real-time Data Change Things?," co-written with two former students C. Patrick Scott (PhD 2013) and Jesus Vazquez (PhD 1992 SUNY Stony Brook) and let another former student, Hedieh Shadmani (PhD 2015), do the work on a second paper, "Do U.S. Government Expenditures and Tax Revenues Respond to Debt Levels and Economic Conditions Asymmetrically over the Business Cycle?" which they wrote together. Professor Amanda Gaulke presented her paper, "Stopping Out of College: The Role of Credit Constraints". Also presenting at the conference, but not noted or pictured is Chi-Yin Wu (PhD 2012).
Left side of table: Veronica Pozo-Bejan (Ag Econ PhD 2014), Vladimir Bejan (PhD 2012), C. Patrick Scott (PhD 2013)
Right side of table: Professor Steve Cassou, Professor Jesus Vazquez of Universidad del Pais Vasco, Emanuel Oliveira (PhD 2009)
Left to right side of table: Shane Sanders (PhD 2007) with his youngest daughter, Professor Ruby Kishan of Texas State University of San Marcos, Sandeep Kishan of Texas State University of San Marcos, Professor Jesus Vazquez of Universidad del Pais Vasco, Andrew Ojede (PhD 2009), Professor Steve Cassou, Zijun Luo (PhD 2012), Emanuel Oliveira (PhD 2009), Bhavneet Walia (PhD 2008)
Amanda Gaulke, March 2016. I presented a poster on my paper "Post Baccalaureate Training" at the Association for Education Finance and Policy Conference.
Amanda Gaulke, May 2016. I presented my paper "Stopping out of college: the role of credit constraints" at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and was a visiting researcher there for a week.
Gayle, Philip G. and Tyson Thomas (2016), "Assessing Firm Behavior in Carve-out Markets: Evidence on the Impact of Carve-out Policy", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 128, August 2016, Pages 178–194.
Leilei Shen, "Global Sourcing and Credit Constraints," accepted June 2016 into the Canadian Journal of Economics.
Yang-Ming Chang and Zijun Luo, "Endogenous Destruction in Conflict: Theory and Extensions," Economic Inquiry, 2016 (Article first published online: 9 May, 2016, DOI:10.1111/ecin. 12354).