Want to make a difference to a K-State student? Join ArtSci's WildcatLink Student Mentorship Program!

Share your expertise and experience with a current Arts and Sciences student as a mentor in ArtSci 's WildcatLink program. You will be matched to a student from your area of study, and as their mentor you can share any tips, tricks and advice you have about careers, college and more.

There are a lot of big and exciting things that go with being a college student—on top of studying and focusing on classes, students are looking to find a career path that is of interest to them and figure out all that goes along with applying for jobs. By becoming a mentor in the WildcatLink program, you can help a K-State Arts and Sciences student prepare for life beyond college.

The program is open to all graduate and undergraduate students. The platform is online and students can request industry-specific alumni. Alumni mentors indicate the areas in which they have knowledge and experience.

To join, complete the following steps:

Step 1: Visit https://wildcatlink.ksu.edu and click "Join our Community" to register.
Step 2: Select join as "Alumni and Friends".
Step 3: Enhance your profile. Students will want to know about your academic and career experiences!
Step 4: Be sure to select the ArtSci Program when prompted to select a mentorship program. You are welcome to join multiple programs if your experience spans academic areas in multiple colleges.
Step 6: Get started! You will be able to connect with faculty, staff, and other alumni in the Wildcat network as soon as you complete your profile. Please note that your profile will undergo a brief screening period before you are added to the program.

An additional note for alumni and friends: In order to protect the privacy of students, you will not be able to immediately view student profiles. WildcatLink allows students to initiate contact with alumni and friends. Please be patient with this process. By joining WildcatLink, you are expressing a willingness to mentor our students. Students will be able to view your profile and you'll be receiving requests for mentorship sooner than you might expect! You can adjust your availability to mentor students when completing your application and this may be updated at any time.


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